Home » Infrastructure » Windows » Oracle client install hangs (windows xp - vmware)
Oracle client install hangs [message #500184] Thu, 17 March 2011 22:41
Messages: 1
Registered: March 2011
Location: Sydney
Junior Member

We're trying to install an oracle 11g client (runtime) onto a windows XP VMware client.

After a while the install hangs .. in the task manager we can see on the process tab the javaw.exe shooting up to 100% and it stays there.

The 11g client install works fine on similar VMware machines running also Windows XP.

We've tried uninstalling the java runtime and then re-installing it, to no avail.

Please find below install log.. its' really getting to us, any suggestions are most welcome, thanks.


Using paramFile: C:\temp\win32_11gR2_client\client\install\oraparam.ini

Checking monitor: must be configured to display at least 256 colors. Actual 65536 Passed

The commandline for unzip:
C:\temp\win32_11gR2_client\client\install\unzip -qqqo ..\stage\Components\oracle.jdk\\1\DataFiles/"*.jar" -d "C:\DOCUME~1\XXX\LOCALS~1\Temp\OraInstall2011-03-18_10-49-17AM" INFO: Loading data from: jar:file:/C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/xxx/Local%20Settings/Temp/OraInstall2011-03-18_10-49-17AM/ext/jlib/installcommons_1.0.0b.jar! /oracle/install/driver/oui/resource/ConfigCommandMappings.xml
INFO: Loading beanstore from jar:file:/C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/xxx/Local%20Settings/Temp/OraInstall2011-03-18_10-49-17AM/ext/jlib/installcommons_1.0.0b.jar! /oracle/install/driver/oui/resource/ConfigCommandMappings.xml
INFO: Restoring class oracle.install.driver.oui.ConfigCmdMappings from jar:file:/C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/xxx/Local%20Settings/Temp/OraInstall2011-03-18_10-49-17AM/ext/jlib/installcommons_1.0.0b.jar! /oracle/install/driver/oui/resource/ConfigCommandMappings.xml
INFO: Verifying target environment...
INFO: Checking whether the IP address of the localhost could be determined...
INFO: Completed verification of target environment.
INFO: Inventory exists: false
INFO: Registering setup bean
INFO: Building Flow
INFO: Building the flow graph
INFO: Loaded state init
INFO: Loaded state clientInstallType
INFO: Loaded state productLanguage
INFO: Loaded state getOracleHome
INFO: Loaded state prereqExecutionDecider
INFO: Loaded state checkPrereqs
INFO: Loaded state postPrereqs
INFO: Loaded state summary
INFO: Loaded state clientCustomInstall
INFO: Loaded state schedulerAgent
INFO: Loaded state mtsDialog
INFO: Loaded state setup
INFO: Loaded state finish
INFO: Linking states
INFO: State[checkPrereqs]: route=success; to=summary
INFO: State[clientCustomInstall]: route=TO_ENDCUSTOM; to=prereqExecutionDecider
INFO: State[clientCustomInstall]: route=TO_ORAMTS; to=mtsDialog
INFO: State[clientCustomInstall]: route=TO_SCHEDULERAGENT; to=schedulerAgent
INFO: State[clientInstallType]: route=ic_no; to=productLanguage
INFO: State[clientInstallType]: route=ic_yes; to=getOracleHome
INFO: State[getOracleHome]: route=INVENTORY_NO; to=prereqExecutionDecider
INFO: State[getOracleHome]: route=INVENTORY_NO_CUSTOM_YES; to=clientCustomInstall
INFO: State[getOracleHome]: route=INVENTORY_YES; to=prereqExecutionDecider
INFO: State[getOracleHome]: route=INVENTORY_YES_CUSTOM_YES; to=clientCustomInstall
INFO: State[init]: route=success; to=clientInstallType
INFO: State[mtsDialog]: route=success; to=prereqExecutionDecider
INFO: State[postPrereqs]: route=CUSTOM; to=clientCustomInstall
INFO: State[postPrereqs]: route=NON_CUSTOM; to=summary
INFO: State[prereqExecutionDecider]: route=executeprereqs; to=checkPrereqs
INFO: State[prereqExecutionDecider]: route=ignoreprereqs; to=summary
INFO: State[productLanguage]: route=productlanguage_yes; to=getOracleHome
INFO: State[schedulerAgent]: route=TO_ENDCUSTOM; to=prereqExecutionDecider
INFO: State[schedulerAgent]: route=TO_ORAMTS; to=mtsDialog
INFO: State[setup]: route=success; to=finish
INFO: State[summary]: route=success; to=setup
INFO: Successfully built the flow
INFO: Opening bean stores from which the beans can be loaded
INFO: Loading beanstore from a given input stream
INFO: Translating external format into raw format
INFO: Registering the flow data beans
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'INSTALL_TYPE' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_WindowsSystemDirectory' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_LaunchNetCA' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_NoMigration' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_RACInstall' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_db_ConfigurationType' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_db_InstallType' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_db_InstallEdition' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_client_CustomComponents' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_client_OraMTSPortNumber' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_client_SchedulerAgentHostName' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_client_SchedulerAgentPortNumber' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'ORACLE_HOME' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'FROM_LOCATION' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'ORACLE_BASE' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'TOPLEVEL_COMPONENT' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'TopLevelComponentVersion' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'UNIX_GROUP_NAME' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'INVENTORY_LOCATION' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'SELECTED_LANGUAGES' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'COLLECTOR_RESPONSE_FILE' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'MYORACLESUPPORT_USERNAME' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'MYORACLESUPPORT_PASSWORD' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'DECLINE_SECURITY_UPDATES' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'PROXY_HOST' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'PROXY_PORT' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'PROXY_USER' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'PROXY_PWD' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'SECURITY_UPDATES_VIA_MYORACLESUPPORT' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'COLLECTOR_IGNORE_FAILURES' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'COLLECTOR_IGNORE_CONFIGURATION' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'ORACLE_HOSTNAME' not found in the bean store.
WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_WindowsSystemDirectory' not found in the bean store.
WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_LaunchNetCA' not found in the bean store.
WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_NoMigration' not found in the bean store.
WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_RACInstall' not found in the bean store.
WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_db_ConfigurationType' not found in the bean store.
WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_db_InstallType' not found in the bean store.
WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_db_InstallEdition' not found in the bean store.
WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'FROM_LOCATION' not found in the bean store.
WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'TOPLEVEL_COMPONENT' not found in the bean store.
WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'TopLevelComponentVersion' not found in the bean store.
WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'OCMSettings' not found in the bean store.
INFO: Set value for bean ClientSetupBean
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'INSTALL_TYPE' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_WindowsSystemDirectory' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_LaunchNetCA' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_NoMigration' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_RACInstall' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_db_ConfigurationType' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_db_InstallType' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_db_InstallEdition' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_client_CustomComponents' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_client_OraMTSPortNumber' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_client_SchedulerAgentHostName' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_client_SchedulerAgentPortNumber' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'ORACLE_HOME' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'FROM_LOCATION' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'ORACLE_BASE' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'TOPLEVEL_COMPONENT' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'TopLevelComponentVersion' not found in the bean store.
WARNING: Failed to load bean oracle.install.ivw.client.bean.ClientInstallSettings. Reason: [INS-07001] Value for property 'ClientInstallSettings' not found in the bean store.
INFO: Closing bean stores from which the beans can be loaded
INFO: Registering the flow views
INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.commons.base.interview.common.view.PrereqGUI viewId: null uiType: null]
INFO: oracle.install.commons.base.interview.common.view.PrereqGUI added to View Type Registry with the key as [PrereqUI]
INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.commons.base.interview.common.view.SummaryGUI viewId: null uiType: null]
INFO: oracle.install.commons.base.interview.common.view.SummaryGUI added to View Type Registry with the key as [SummaryUI]
INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.commons.base.interview.common.view.SetupGUI viewId: null uiType: null]
INFO: oracle.install.commons.base.interview.common.view.SetupGUI added to View Type Registry with the key as [SetupUI]
INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.common.view.ProductLanguageGUI viewId: ProductLanguageUI uiType: null]
INFO: oracle.install.ivw.common.view.ProductLanguageGUI added to View Type Registry with the key as [ProductLanguageUI]
INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.client.view.CustomInstallGUI viewId: null uiType: null]
INFO: oracle.install.ivw.client.view.CustomInstallGUI added to View Type Registry with the key as [CustomInstallUI]
INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.client.view.SchedulerAgentGUI viewId: null uiType: null]
INFO: oracle.install.ivw.client.view.SchedulerAgentGUI added to View Type Registry with the key as [SchedulerAgentUI]
INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.client.view.OraMTSGUI viewId: null uiType: null]
INFO: oracle.install.ivw.client.view.OraMTSGUI added to View Type Registry with the key as [OraMTSUI]
INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.client.view.InstallLocationGUI viewId: null uiType: null]
INFO: oracle.install.ivw.client.view.InstallLocationGUI added to View Type Registry with the key as [InstallLocationUI]
INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.client.view.InstallTypesGUI viewId: null uiType: null]
INFO: oracle.install.ivw.client.view.InstallTypesGUI added to View Type Registry with the key as [InstallTypesUI]
INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.client.view.FinishGUI viewId: null uiType: null]
INFO: oracle.install.ivw.client.view.FinishGUI added to View Type Registry with the key as [FinishUI]
INFO: Initial values of Setup Properties :
FROM_LOCATION C:\temp\win32_11gR2_client\client\install\../stage/produc
INSTALL_TYPE InstantClient
MYORACLESUPPORT_PASSWORD *Protected value, not to be logged*
PROXY_PWD *Protected value, not to be logged*
oracle_install_LaunchNetCA false
oracle_install_NoMigration true
oracle_install_RACInstall false
oracle_install_client_OraMTSPortNumber 49152
oracle_install_db_InstallEdition EE

INFO: Launching Oracle Client Installer
INFO: Started executing the flow in INTERACTIVE mode
INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: Finishing all forked tasks at state init
INFO: Waiting for completion all forked tasks at state init
INFO: All forked task are completed at state init
INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: Executing action at state init
INFO: Completed executing action at state <init>
INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: Moved to state <init>
INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: Validating view at state <init>
INFO: Completed validating view at state <init>
INFO: Validating state <init>
WARNING: Validation disabled for the state init
INFO: Completed validating state <init>
INFO: Verifying route success
INFO: Get view named [InstallTypesUI]
INFO: size estimation for InstantClientinstall is 174.04894161224365
INFO: size estimation for Administratorinstall is 1046.229476928711
INFO: size estimation for Runtimeinstall is 754.2802858352661
INFO: View for [InstallTypesUI] is oracle.install.ivw.client.view.
INFO: Initializing view <InstallTypesUI> at state <clientInstallType>
INFO: InstallTypesPane installType is: InstantClient
INFO: Completed initializing view <InstallTypesUI> at state <clientInstallType>
INFO: Displaying view <InstallTypesUI> at state <clientInstallType>
INFO: Completed displaying view <InstallTypesUI> at state <clientInstallType>
INFO: Loading view <InstallTypesUI> at state <clientInstallType>
INFO: Completed loading view <InstallTypesUI> at state <clientInstallType>
INFO: Localizing view <InstallTypesUI> at state <clientInstallType>
INFO: size estimation for InstantClientinstall is 174.04894161224365
INFO: size estimation for Administratorinstall is 1046.229476928711
INFO: size estimation for Runtimeinstall is 754.2802858352661
INFO: Completed localizing view <InstallTypesUI> at state <clientInstallType>
INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: Executing action at state clientInstallType
INFO: Completed executing action at state <clientInstallType>
INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: Moved to state <clientInstallType>
INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: Client Install Type set in InstallTypeUI is : Runtime
INFO: Validating view at state <clientInstallType>
INFO: Completed validating view at state <clientInstallType>
INFO: Validating state <clientInstallType>
WARNING: Validation disabled for the state clientInstallType
INFO: Completed validating state <clientInstallType>
INFO: In Transition of InstallTypesAction:
INFO: Verifying route ic_no
INFO: Get view named [ProductLanguageUI]
INFO: View for [ProductLanguageUI] is oracle.install.ivw.common.view.ProductLanguage
INFO: Initializing view <ProductLanguageUI> at state <productLanguage>
INFO: Completed initializing view <ProductLanguageUI> at state <productLanguage>
INFO: Displaying view <ProductLanguageUI> at state <productLanguage>
INFO: Fetching Available Languages...
INFO: Completed displaying view <ProductLanguageUI> at state <productLanguage>
INFO: Loading view <ProductLanguageUI> at state <productLanguage>
INFO: Completed loading view <ProductLanguageUI> at state <productLanguage>
INFO: Localizing view <ProductLanguageUI> at state <productLanguage>
INFO: Completed localizing view <ProductLanguageUI> at state <productLanguage>
INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: Finishing all forked tasks at state productLanguage
INFO: Waiting for completion all forked tasks at state productLanguage
INFO: All forked task are completed at state productLanguage
INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: Executing action at state productLanguage
INFO: Completed executing action at state <productLanguage>
INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: Moved to state <productLanguage>
INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: The languages in which the product will be installed are [en]
INFO: Validating view at state <productLanguage>
INFO: Completed validating view at state <productLanguage>
INFO: Validating state <productLanguage>
INFO: Using default Validator configured in the Action class oracle.install.ivw.common.action.ProductLanguageAction
INFO: Completed validating state <productLanguage>
INFO: Verifying route productlanguage_yes
INFO: Get view named [InstallLocationUI]
WARNING: Active Help Content for InstallLocationPane.cbxOracleBases do not exist. Error :Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.ivw.client.resource.ContextualHelpResource, key InstallLocationPane.cbxOracleBases.conciseHelpText
WARNING: Active Help Content for InstallLocationPane.cbxSoftwareLoc do not exist. Error :Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.ivw.client.resource.ContextualHelpResource, key InstallLocationPane.cbxSoftwareLoc.conciseHelpText
INFO: View for [InstallLocationUI] is oracle.install.ivw.client.view.InstallLocationGUI
INFO: Initializing view <InstallLocationUI> at state <getOracleHome>
INFO: inventory location isC:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory
INFO: Completed initializing view <InstallLocationUI> at state <getOracleHome>
INFO: Displaying view <InstallLocationUI> at state <getOracleHome>
INFO: Completed displaying view <InstallLocationUI> at state <getOracleHome>
INFO: Loading view <InstallLocationUI> at state <getOracleHome>
INFO: Completed loading view <InstallLocationUI> at state <getOracleHome>
INFO: Localizing view <InstallLocationUI> at state <getOracleHome>
INFO: Completed localizing view <InstallLocationUI> at state <getOracleHome>
INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: Executing action at state getOracleHome
INFO: Completed executing action at state <getOracleHome>
INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: Moved to state <getOracleHome>
INFO: inventory location isC:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory
INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: Validating view at state <getOracleHome>
INFO: Completed validating view at state <getOracleHome>
INFO: Validating state <getOracleHome>
INFO: custom prereq file name: oracle.client_Runtime.xml
INFO: refDataFile: C:\temp\win32_11gR2_client\client\stage\cvu\oracle.client_Runtime.xml
INFO: isCustomRefDataFilePresent: false
INFO: InstallAreaControl exists: false
INFO: Checking:COMP
INFO: Checking:COMP
INFO: Checking:COMP
INFO: Checking:COMP
INFO: Checking:COMP
INFO: Checking:COMP
INFO: Checking:COMP
INFO: Checking:COMP
INFO: Reading shiphome metadata from C:\temp\win32_11gR2_client\client\install\..\stage\shiphomeproperties.xml
INFO: Loading beanstore from file:/C:/temp/win32_11gR2_client/client/install/../stage/shiphomeproperties.xml
INFO: Translating external format into raw format
INFO: Restoring class oracle.install.driver.oui.ShiphomeMetadata from file:/C:/temp/win32_11gR2_client/client/install/../stage/shiphomeproperties.xml
INFO: inventory location isC:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory
INFO: inventory location isC:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory
INFO: size estimation for Runtimeinstall is 754.2802858352661
INFO: PATH has :==>C:/...
INFO: Completed validating state <getOracleHome>
INFO: InstallLocationAction to INVENTORY_NO
INFO: Verifying route INVENTORY_NO
INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: Executing action at state prereqExecutionDecider
INFO: Completed executing action at state <prereqExecutionDecider>
INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: Moved to state <prereqExecutionDecider>
INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: Validating view at state <prereqExecutionDecider>
INFO: Completed validating view at state <prereqExecutionDecider>
INFO: Validating state <prereqExecutionDecider>
WARNING: Validation disabled for the state prereqExecutionDecider
INFO: Completed validating state <prereqExecutionDecider>
INFO: Verifying route executeprereqs
INFO: Get view named [PrereqUI]
INFO: View for [PrereqUI] is oracle.install.commons.base.interview.common.view.PrereqGUIINFO: Initializing view <PrereqUI> at state <checkPrereqs>
INFO: Completed initializing view <PrereqUI> at state <checkPrereqs>
INFO: Displaying view <PrereqUI> at state <checkPrereqs>
INFO: Completed displaying view <PrereqUI> at state <checkPrereqs>
INFO: Loading view <PrereqUI> at state <checkPrereqs>
INFO: Completed loading view <PrereqUI> at state <checkPrereqs>
INFO: Localizing view <PrereqUI> at state <checkPrereqs>
INFO: Completed localizing view <PrereqUI> at state <checkPrereqs>
INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: Executing action at state checkPrereqs
INFO: custom prereq file name: oracle.client_Runtime.xml
INFO: refDataFile: C:\temp\win32_11gR2_client\client\stage\cvu\oracle.client_Runtime.xml
INFO: isCustomRefDataFilePresent: false
INFO: Completed executing action at state <checkPrereqs>
INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: Finishing all forked tasks at state checkPrereqs
INFO: Waiting for completion all forked tasks at state checkPrereqs
INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task Physical Memory
INFO: Creating CompositePrereqChecker Job for container task Free Space
INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task Free Space: VDMxxx:C:\DOCUME~1\XXX\LOCALS~1\Temp
INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task Architecture
INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task Environment variable: "PATH"
INFO: CVU tracingEnabled = false
INFO: Nodes are prepared for verification.
INFO: *********************************************
INFO: Physical Memory: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the system has at least 128MB (131072.0KB) of total physical memory.
INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: Verification Result for Node:VDMxxx
INFO: Expected Value:128MB (131072.0KB)
INFO: Actual Value:2.9995GB (3145200.0KB)
INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: *********************************************
INFO: Free Space: VDMxxx:C:\DOCUME~1\XXX\LOCALS~1\Temp: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether sufficient free space is available in the file system.
INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: Verification Result for Node:VDMxxx
INFO: Expected Value:130MB
INFO: Actual Value:8.5068GB
INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: *********************************************
INFO: Architecture: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the system has a certified architecture.
INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: Verification Result for Node:VDMxxx
INFO: Expected Value:32-bit
INFO: Actual Value:32-bit
INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: *********************************************
INFO: Environment variable: "PATH": This test checks whether the length of the environment variable "PATH" does not exceed the recommended length.
INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: Verification Result for Node:VDMxxx
INFO: Expected Value:1023
INFO: Actual Value:530
INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: All forked task are completed at state checkPrereqs
INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: Moved to state <checkPrereqs>
INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: Validating view at state <checkPrereqs>
INFO: Completed validating view at state <checkPrereqs>
INFO: Validating state <checkPrereqs>
INFO: Using default Validator configured in the Action class oracle.install.ivw.client.action.PrereqAction
INFO: Completed validating state <checkPrereqs>
INFO: Verifying route success
INFO: Get view named [SummaryUI]

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Current Time: Sun Sep 29 04:04:46 CDT 2024